Since car rental company has always been a fast and accurate source of market information for Auto Manufacturers, Auto Manufacturers are willing to cooperate with large car rental companies, or even establish a car rental company by themselves. The car rental can provide a possibility for prospective car owner to have a long-time test driving of new model, on the other hand, can also obtain a rapid market response.
Recently, a well-known car rental website LeaseCompare issued a ranking list of most popular rental models in 2006. These popular models are divided into two camps; one is the high performance coupe with 2 or 3-years-old age headed by BMW 3 series and Nissan infinite G35. People will enjoy a great fun of controlling these models at a fast speed. The other camp is the family car headed by Honda Accord, Honda Civic and Toyota Camry. In addition, the rank of Honda Odyssey as a MPV on the list indicates that multi-purpose high-capacity van is becoming a mainstream model gradually. By comparing to the top model ranking of last year, we can also see some developing trends in Auto market.
With the economy cars becoming more and more popular, the Honda Civic ranks up to the fifth from the tenth last year. SUV models with poor fuel economy, except Range Rover Sport and Porsche Cayenne, are all out of the List. However, the new six-generation Toyota Camry and Honda Odyssey are returned to the List. Among the models with poor fuel economy, Chevrolet Corvette sports car ranks up to the second from the fourth last year, which has not been impacted by rising oil price. SUVs are always the darling of the U.S. market, but due to recent sharp rise in oil price, many SUV owners have no choice but to sell off their SUVs, which led to a falling down of SUV price. The large SUVs owned by car rental companies are also seldom required for the same reason. Tarry Shebesta, president of Automobile Consumer Services whose headquarter is located in Cincinnati of the U.S. said that even if there is an unstable phase in the Auto market, we may get a quick and accurate response through the car rental service.